TB “Mantoux” skin test

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TB “Mantoux” skin test

What is a TB test?

The TB skin test, also known as the Mantoux tuberculin skin test is a valuable tool for identifying individuals who have been exposed to TB bacteria and may benefit from further evaluation and treatment. It is commonly used in healthcare settings, schools, and other institutions to screen for TB infection, especially in high-risk populations or areas where TB is prevalent.

How is it performed:

A small amount of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) solution is injected just beneath the top layer of the skin on the inner forearm using a small needle. The patient must return to the healthcare provider within 48 to 72 hours after the injection for the test result to be read.


For more information please check the link below



*TB test appointments can only be booked on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday as the TB test is a two-appointment test! After the injection, you are required to return after 48-72 hours for test interpretation and reassessment.

*If you have received a LIVE vaccine recently, you will have to wait at least 30 days before you do the TB test.

Still have questions about this service? Please send our nurse a message and she will be in contact with you.

TB Skin Test